Universities: Stage 1

The university stage 1 assessment looks at a programme’s curriculum and supporting documents to ensure that all the learning outcomes are addressed.

Pre-registration education programmes must ensure that students who have completed the programme are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to be able to practice in accordance with Baby Friendly standards as newly qualified health professionals. Stage 1 ensures that the planned curriculum enables appropriate learning to take place.

Within one year of obtaining the Certificate of Commitment the university is required to submit the completed Stage 1 application form (see below), together with supporting documents, to the Baby Friendly Initiative office for the assessment to take place.

The information provided in each section of the application form needs to be supported by the appropriate evidence.

This may include:

  • The document that best explains the overall programme structure e.g. an adapted progamme specification and guide to how individual modules map across the curriculum.
  • A sample of relevant lesson plans, slides and teaching aids that explain the teaching methods used and content covered in relation to the learning outcomes.
  • Examples of how the learning outcomes are assessed e.g. examination papers, OSCE or viva scenarios, practice-based assessments etc.
  • Examples of the documentation used to record the students clinical practices/competence.
  • Evidence of how the practice mentors are orientated to the Baby Friendly standards.
  • Evidence of the education of lecturers to Baby Friendly standards, for example, showing attendance at a relevant Unicef course or attending in-house training that equips staff with the knowledge and skills to consider the Baby Friendly Initiative learning outcomes across the curriculum.

When the university is ready for Stage 1 assessment, the project lead should contact the Baby Friendly Initiative office to discuss a suitable date. This will then be booked and the project lead will be given the name and contact details of the assessor.

The Stage 1 application form should be completed and sent with the relevant supporting documentation (via email/web) at least two weeks before the agreed assessment date. On the assessment date the project lead should be available via telephone in case the assessor has any queries or issues to discuss. Contact details need to be submitted with the Stage 1 documentation.

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