Workshop for trainers

Bringing new concepts into Baby Friendly learning

Home > Training > Baby Friendly Initiative Courses > Workshop for trainers

This interactive one-day workshop supports participants to bring new concepts into their in-house training.

This course will give participants an update on new content included in the refreshed Breastfeeding and Relationship Building course, and enable them to incorporate this into their own training. A new package of training materials will be provided, including slides, videos and activities that participants can use to facilitate their own training and updates.

We are currently unable to conduct face-to-face training due to the ongoing effects of the pandemic and will be running our courses virtually. Please see our courses page for important information on virtual training, including technological requirements, course availability and booking.

For any queries, please contact the Baby Friendly office at

Please note: Attendance of our Train the Trainer course is a prerequisite for attending this workshop.

Excellent course and amazing materials as always. Really enjoy the way you get our oxytocin flowing, your warmth and passion. Has given renewed vision and impetus.
Participant, 2019


Please note that the package of materials that participants receive during the course has been produced by the UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative on the understanding that the person who has attended the Workshop for Trainers will deliver it at in-house sessions as part of their organisation’s education programme for staff. It is not to be referred to as UNICEF/Baby Friendly training and staff members who have attended the course are not to be referred to as UNICEF/Baby Friendly trained. The images included are only to be used in the presentations provided and must not be reproduced in other materials.

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Breastfeeding and relationship building courses

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