Embedding Baby Friendly standards in neonatal care course

Home > Training > Baby Friendly Initiative Courses > Embedding Baby Friendly standards in neonatal care course

Effective staff training is essential for Baby Friendly accreditation, but many healthcare facilities report difficulties in developing appropriate curricula.

This course aims to provide neonatal staff with the knowledge and practical skills required to fully implement the Baby Friendly neonatal standards in their workplace. There will be a strong focus on the importance of relationship building, involving parents as true partners in care, and supporting breastmilk use and the transition to breastfeeding.

Who is this course for?

The course is suitable for all staff working within neonatal and transitional care units. Other staff who may be charged with training this group of staff may also find the course useful.

Practical skills reviews

The course incorporates four practical skill elements which should be completed after attendance on the course. These can be incorporated into the daily care plan for mothers and babies and will help link theory to practice within the clinical area.

Accessing the course

We are currently unable to conduct face-to-face training due to the ongoing effects of the pandemic and will be running our courses virtually – please see our courses page for important information on virtual training, including technological requirements, course availability and booking.

This course consists of two parts:

  • Part 1: E-learning & pre-course activities and
  • Part 2: Two virtually taught days.

As each part of the programme builds on previous content, it is very important for your overall learning experience that you complete all of the elements.

In-house courses

Virtual in-house training can be provided for up to 12 staff members. For more information, please email the Baby Friendly office at bfi@unicef.org.uk.

Open courses

These virtual courses are open to anyone. To book, please visit our courses page which includes important information on  technological requirements and course availability. For any queries, please contact the Baby Friendly office at bfi@unicef.org.uk

Please note that our services are usually booked up several months in advance and your first preferred date may not always be available.

Very pleased with the course. Very informative and relatable to neonatal; I feel much more confident now and look forward to implementing the information into practice."
Course participant

More neonatal resources to support you

Neonatal unit guidance: implementing the standards

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You and Your Baby: Supporting Love and Nurture on the Neonatal Unit leaflet

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