Strengthening the RRSA


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Strengthen your Rights Respecting journey.

Strengthening the RRSA Online is a suite of modules designed to support Bronze, Silver and Gold Rights Respecting Schools to develop and maintain their practice by diving deeper into some of the key aspects of the RRSA, including pupil voice and global citizenship.

The modules can also help you to engage all adults in your school with the RRSA, and support new staff in understanding children’s rights and a child right-based education.

Course content

  • An Introduction to Children’s Rights
  • The RRSA and a Child Rights-Based Education
  • Global Citizenship in a Rights Respecting School – this module is suitable for all staff, particularly PSHE leads
  • Pupil Voice and Participation in a Rights Respecting School – this module is suitable for staff who lead committees
  • A Deeper Dive into Children’s Rights – this module is suitable for all adults involved in your school, particularly those who are more experienced with the RRSA. You will need to have completed our Introduction to Children’s Rights module before starting the Deeper Dive

Each module should take around one to two hours to complete and can be completed individually or as a package depending on what each person would like to do.

This training is excellent and not only informative but enjoyable. It has exactly the right approach.
Teacher from a Rights Respecting School

Cost and Booking

The cost of our e-learning packages is dependent on the size of your school. The costs listed below include Strengthening the RRSA and Starting RRSA Online, per year.

We do not restrict the number of staff within your school who have access to the course enabling you to upskill your teaching and non-teaching staff, governors, and students.

Subscription to Starting RRSA Online is included for the first four months following registration, this is the length of time it typically takes to get to the first stage of the Award. After this the course can act as an introduction to UNICEF, children’s rights and Rights Respecting Schools for new members of staff.

To gain access email us at with the name and size of your school, payment can be taken by purchase order or by credit or debit card.

Size of school (pupils) Costs for Year 1 Costs for additional years
< 50 £50 £30
50 – 99 £100 £60
100 – 249 £200 £120
250 – 499 £300 £180
500 – 999 £400 £240
> 1000 £500 £300


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Starting RRSA E-Learning

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