Programme update

from Rights Respecting Schools

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None of us at UNICEF UK want to be where we are now: looking at an unprecedented interruption to children’s education, a second year of exam disruption and a lockdown that seems likely to continue until March.

These are stressful, anxious times for us all and we hope you are managing in school.

As a team we want to give you clarity on what you can expect from the Rights Respecting Schools team over the coming weeks and months. We want to support you in delivering children’s rights education remotely.

During these times it is particularly important to reaffirm to children that they have rights, that they are important and have a part to play in the world.

So we will continue to deliver Article of the Week each week, to help you keep child rights education active in school through remote learning. Keep an eye out for the resource pack, which is published every Thursday. 2020 packs are available on the Article of the Week page.


As of today, 5 January, we have taken the decision to postpone accreditations planned for January and February 2021. We have taken this decision believing that most schools will not have enough children available in school for accreditation focus groups. Jersey, Guernsey, the islands of Scotland and nursery settings are the exceptions to this. Get in touch if this affects you to rearrange your accreditation.

Training and Support

Because we want you to continue to make progress and achieve the next stage of the Award we will continue to deliver online Training and Support Workshops. Please look at the dates for 2021 and book.

Also look at our E-Learning courses. Subscription to Starting RRSA is included for the first four months after you have registered. Starting RRSA and Strengthening the RRSA can also be booked as a package, making for an excellent professional development opportunity for all staff in school. Find out more.

Please get in touch with any concerns or worries you have around your work with us. And please sign up to our Facebook group to draw on the support of the wider Rights Respecting community.

We will be in touch again soon.

With best wishes,

Frances Bestley
Programme Director, UNICEF UK Rights Respecting Schools

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