Working Towards

Gold: Rights Respecting

Home > Getting Started > Gold: Rights Respecting > Working towards Gold: Rights Respecting

These are the steps we recommend you take towards Gold: Rights Respecting.

We appreciate each school is different and our Professional Advisers will take your school context into account. The Gold: Rights Respecting accreditation is valid for three years.

Inform the whole school community. You can display your Silver: Rights Aware banner, certificate and logo, hold an event or assembly, and send out a letter to parents and guardians to let them know. Think about sharing your report with your Local Authority and other external partners. Here is a press release template, which you may find useful.

Are you effectively embedding rights across the school and into the community? The Steering Group should know that the Gold Strand and Outcome Descriptors are different from the Silver Strand and Outcome Descriptors.

Read more about Outcome Descriptors at Gold here.

Adults should know that the Strands and Outcome Descriptors at Gold are different from the Strands and Outcome Descriptors at Silver. How are you going to deepen what it means to teach and learn ABOUT rights, THROUGH rights and FOR rights at Gold?

Use the Teaching and Learning Toolbox to help you.

Prioritise your actions using the Action Plan for Gold, taking into account recommendations from your Silver assessment report.

Use our Teaching and Learning Toolbox to help you.

Gather information about how the Convention is taught and learnt in lessons and assemblies so that you have an overview of the learning that is taking place and its impact.

Evidence might include planning, policies, pupils’ work and assemblies so that you have an overview of the learning that is taking place and its impact. Keep the Gold Outcome Descriptors in mind.

Use our Teaching and Learning Toolbox to help you. You can also find out how to create rights focused charters, classrooms and lesson plans here.

You might find it useful to carry out the pupil questionnaires and staff questionnaires so that you have an overview of the staff and pupils’ current knowledge and understanding of children’s rights and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

You might find it helpful to transfer the data to the Schools Questionnaire Summary spreadsheet.

Measuring your progress using our pupil and staff questionnaires can be invaluable in showing you the impact that embedding children’s rights is having. It can also be used within the evidence that you present at Gold.

Find the pupil and staff questionnaires and the Schools Questionnaire Summary spreadsheet on the Gold Forms and Guides section.

Complete the School Evaluation: Gold form to check you are ready for your accreditation visit. Identify:

  • How has the outcome been achieved?
  • What difference has been made?
  • What evidence do you have?

The form is to be completed by senior leaders. You may include feedback from staff and pupil questionnaires, reports from your school inspection body, comments from parents, etc.

Find the School Evaluation Gold form here.

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The Gold: Rights Respecting Accreditation Visit

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Teaching and Learning Toolbox

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