Baby Friendly website survey

Your questions answered

Home > Baby Friendly website survey: Your questions answered

Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts about the Baby Friendly website. We were really pleased to receive a lot of positive feedback, as well as ideas for improvement. Over the coming months we’ll be looking at how we present our information to make sure you can find what you need.

In the meantime, below are some answers to common questions you asked, with links to key resources and information that you were looking for:

  • Searching: The best way to find content is to type in a keyword using the search button marked by the 🔍 icon, top right of your screen. For example, if you were looking for our “Caring for your baby at night leaflet,” you could just type in “caring,” press Enter and the resource will come up. If you can’t see the magnifying glass, click the three lines in the top right of your screen for more options.
  • As well as using the search function, each month we email round a summary of recent research – to receive these, please sign up to our regular mailings.
  • Some of you asked where to access information on providing specialist services, which is available here.
  • Some asked on information about milk storage, which is available here.
  • We have a number of statements on key issues including baby boxes, Vitamin D supplementation and food banks.
  • Some respondents asked for more links to other organisations working in infant feeding and parent-infant relationship building, which is available here.
  • Our videos are hosted on YouTube, which some of you have reported as being blocked on NHS computers. In the coming weeks we’ll be trialling alternative additional links to watch our videos when YouTube is blocked.
  • Translations: thank you to those who kindly offered to help us with translating our foreign language infosheets into more languages – please contact us at with details of which leaflet you could translate and which language you could translate this into.

Thank you for taking the time to give us your feedback – look out for improvements coming soon!

Find more resources to support you

Guide to the Baby Friendly Initiative Standards

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Breastfeeding and relationship building workbook

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