New resources for Safer Sleep Week

Home > New resources for Safer Sleep Week

11 March 2019

The Lullaby Trust, Public Health England, UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative and Basis (Baby Sleep Info Source, Durham University) have collaborated to create a range of resources for parents and health professionals.

The resources will provide information and guidance for parents on reducing the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), and support health professionals to have effective conversations about safer sleep. The resources will be available so that all health professionals can use these as part of their discussions with families.

The guide focuses on providing information on the key actions parents can take to reduce the risk of SIDS, such as breastfeeding, sleeping baby on their back on a clear flat sleep space, and avoiding exposure to tobacco smoke during pregnancy and after birth. We have also given information on bed sharing safety, as while cot safety was previously emphasised, we know that many parents bed share and wanted to give clearer information on doing so in a way that reduces risk.

A professional’s guide has also been produced by this partnership which aims to help professionals to effectively convey safer sleep information to parents. The guide emphasises the vital importance of having open, non-judgemental conversations with parents about safer sleep, including bed sharing, and provides suggestions for having those sometimes difficult discussions.

View the resources on the Lullaby Trust website.

New mothers and families need clear, consistent information on safer sleep. The Baby Friendly Initiative is very pleased to support these resources and work with health professionals to effectively convey these messages to families.
Sue Ashmore, Programme Director, UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative

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