National Breastfeeding Celebration Week 2016

Home > National Breastfeeding Celebration Week 2016

National Breastfeeding Celebration Week 2016 ran from 18 to 27 June.  This extended week was an opportunity for mothers, breastfeeding supporters and health professionals to come together and share what works well to support breastfeeding in local communities.

At a national level the event raised awareness of the health and wellbeing benefits of breastfeeding for mothers, their infants and the long term public health for everyone.

The theme was on how ‘everyone in local communities can support mothers to breastfeed, whenever and wherever they are’. It provided a fantastic opportunity to showcase all the good work that is going on around England, to share ideas, inspire others and promote the support available to women and their families.

  • Read Sian’s story – having struggled with breastfeeding herself, Sian is now a peer supporter helping others on their breastfeeding journey.
  • Read Helen’s blog celebrating the range of services in Coventry working together to support breastfeeding mothers.
  • Read Kimberly’s blog shawcasing her great work to improve breastfeeding rates in Salford.


NHS England, Public Health England, The National Infant Feeding Network, Royal College of MidwivesInstitute of Health Visiting and Unite/Community Practitioners’ & Health Visitors’ Association (CPHVA)  supported local and regional celebration events by sharing local resources on websites and through social media: #celebratebreastfeeding.