Infant feeding during the coronavirus crisis: A guide for local authorities

Support for health professionals during Covid-19

Home > Infant feeding during the coronavirus crisis: A guide for local authorities

In this unprecedented time during the coronavirus outbreak, the need for continued support for infant feeding has come into sharp focus.

With babies being one of the most vulnerable groups in our populations, we must ensure everything possible is being done to maximise protection and minimise risk in both the short and long term.

A number of weaknesses with regard to how we feed and care for babies have come to light during the outbreak and local authorities are having to respond to these. Therefore, UNICEF UK and First Steps Nutrition Trust have partnered together with the National Infant Feeding Network (NIFN), a network of over 700 infant feeding specialists, to produce this child rights-focused guidance for local authorities to ensure babies and families are protected during this crisis.


Support for health professionals during Covid-19

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