Baby Friendly pages for the PCHR (Red Book)

Home > Baby Friendly Resources > Implementing Baby Friendly standards resources > Baby Friendly pages for the PCHR (Red Book)

Baby Friendly pages on infant feeding and relationship building for the PCHR (or Red Book) help mothers and babies to get feeding and their relationship off to the best possible start.

The pages are free to download, or can be printed through Harlow Printing (details below). They are available either as standalone pages, or in their entirety, depending on local need.

To print these pages for insertion into your area’s Red Book, please contact Harlow Printing; email, tel 0191 455 4286. Harlow Printing are able to make small amends to the pages, according to local need (e.g. adding in contact details for local support groups). Please talk to them directly about any amends you wish to make).

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