Safer Medicines in Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Consortium Information Strategy

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This strategy has been developed by the Safer Medicines in Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Information Consortium in response to the Commission for Human Medicines report on Hormone Pregnancy Tests, published in 2017.

The strategy focuses on delivering recommendation 11 of the report which is: “Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) should work with the key information providers to ensure healthcare professionals and patients receive the best available information, and are empowered to make informed decisions and ask questions about any medicines they may be prescribed in pregnancy.”

The Safer Medicines in Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Consortium is a partnership of 16 leading organisations, including the NHS and charitable organisations, who are working together to improve the health information available to women thinking about becoming pregnant, are pregnant, or are breastfeeding.

Read more about the Safer Medicines in Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Consortium information strategy here.